#!/usr/bin/env python3 from md2gemini import md2gemini import frontmatter from slugify import slugify from jinja2 import Template import os import locale from datetime import datetime import config # locale (for templates, for example dates rendering) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, config.locale) md_path = os.path.expanduser(config.md_dir) gmi_path = os.path.expanduser(config.gmi_dir) tpl_path = os.path.expanduser(config.tpl_dir) meta_path = os.path.expanduser(config.meta_dir) # Initiate meta lists posts = [] posts_prop_index = {} for prop_dict in config.index_props: posts_prop_index[prop_dict["property"]] = {} os.chdir(md_path) def add_ext_gmi(link): # Custom function to apply to links if "://" not in link: # apply only on local links return link+".gmi" else: return link # Walk through markdown directories for dirname, subdirlist, mdlist in os.walk('.'): # Create same hierarchy in GMI directory gmi_subpath = os.path.abspath(gmi_path+"/"+dirname) os.makedirs(gmi_subpath, exist_ok=True) for mdfile in mdlist: basename, extension = os.path.splitext(mdfile) extension = extension[1:] post = {} gmifile = basename if config.gmi_extension: gmifile += ".gmi" # We need the relative path without the "./" simpledirname = dirname[2:] if simpledirname == "": post["path"] = gmifile else: post["path"] = simpledirname + "/" + gmifile # We want to ignore the file if this isn't a markdown file if extension not in config.md_extensions: print("Ignoring file {}: \"{}\" not in markdown extensions list".format(mdfile, extension)) pass # Read the Markdown file with open(dirname+"/"+mdfile, 'r') as md: mdtext = md.read() # Parse the YAML header meta = frontmatter.parse(mdtext)[0] # Extract template post["template"] = meta.get("template", config.default_post_template) # Extract post properties for prop in config.post_props: post[prop] = meta.get(prop, None) # Extract index properties for prop_dict in config.index_props: prop = prop_dict["property"] prop_raw = meta.get(prop, None) if prop_dict.get("list", False) and prop_raw: post[prop] = [{"name": word, "slug": slugify(word)} for word in prop_raw.split(',')] for item in post[prop]: slug = item["slug"] if slug in posts_prop_index[prop]: posts_prop_index[prop][slug]["posts"].append(post) else: posts_prop_index[prop][slug] = {"name": item["name"], "posts": [post]} else: post[prop] = {"name": prop_raw, "slug": slugify(prop_raw)} slug = post[prop]["slug"] if slug in posts_prop_index[prop]: posts_prop_index[prop][slug]["posts"].append(post) else: posts_prop_index[prop][slug] = {"name": post[prop]["name"], "posts": [post]} posts.append(post) # For now, list properties must be comma-separated strings. # TODO: make possible to list values as a YAML list # Replace stuff for item in config.replace: mdtext = mdtext.replace(item[0],item[1]) # Convert the post into GMI gmitext = md2gemini(mdtext, code_tag=config.code_tag, img_tag=config.img_tag, indent=config.indent, ascii_table=config.ascii_table, frontmatter=True, links=config.links, plain=config.plain, strip_html=config.strip_html, base_url=config.base_url, link_func=add_ext_gmi, table_tag=config.table_tag ) # Read template file with open(tpl_path+"/"+post["template"]+".tpl", 'r') as tpl: template = Template(tpl.read()) # Integrate the GMI content in the template gmitext = template.render(content=gmitext, meta = post) # Dirty fix a weird bug where some lines are CRLF-terminated gmitext = gmitext.replace('\r\n','\n') # Time to write the GMI file with open(gmi_subpath+"/"+gmifile, 'w') as gmi: gmi.write(gmitext) # Generate home page with open(tpl_path+"/index.tpl", 'r') as tpl: template = Template(tpl.read()) text = template.render(posts=posts) with open(meta_path+"/index.gmi", 'w') as gmi: gmi.write(text) # Generate custom meta pages for prop_dict in config.index_props: prop = prop_dict["property"] if "index_name" in prop_dict: with open(tpl_path+"/"+prop_dict.get("index_tpl",prop)+".tpl", 'r') as tpl: template = Template(tpl.read()) text = template.render(prop=posts_prop_index[prop]) with open(meta_path+"/"+prop_dict["index_name"]+'.gmi', 'w') as gmi: gmi.write(text) os.makedirs(meta_path+"/"+prop_dict.get("item_dir", prop), exist_ok=True) with open(tpl_path+"/"+prop_dict.get("item_tpl", prop)+".tpl", 'r') as tpl: template = Template(tpl.read()) for item in posts_prop_index[prop]: text = template.render(prop_item=posts_prop_index[prop][item]) with open(meta_path+"/"+prop_dict.get("item_dir", prop)+"/"+item+".gmi", "w") as gmi: gmi.write(text) # Generate posts list page with open(tpl_path+"/posts_list.tpl", 'r') as tpl: template = Template(tpl.read()) text = template.render(posts=posts) with open(meta_path+"/posts.gmi", 'w') as gmi: gmi.write(text)